Flexible Instructional Days
Beginning with the 2019 - 2020 school year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved the use of Flexible Instructional Days (FID) as an alternative approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in the customary manner, such as inclement weather or a building emergency situation. You may visit PDE’s website for full details regarding the FID program.
SCSC applied for the program beginning with the 2022 - 2023 school year and received approval from PDE to institute a Flexible Instructional Day program for three years, allowing the school to institute up to five (5) Flexible Instructional Days per school year. Flexible Instructional Days eliminate the need for make-up days, as PDE will count these Flexible Instructional Days as full school days towards the required minimum of 180 days/990 hours.
What to expect?
Notification: SCSC families and staff will be notified via Constant Contact, email, and the SCSC website that a Flexible Instructional Day will be held. The notification will include detailed information such as how to log attendance, how to access instructional materials, how to get in touch with staff, and how to take advantage of accommodations, including technology accommodations in the event that internet access is not available.
Assignments: Students will have assignments in English Language Arts, Math, and the special that they would have had that day (Art, Best Self, Music, Photography, Physical Education). All assignments, along with directions for completing the assignments, will be posted in Google Classroom no later than 9:00 AM on the Flexible Instructional Day. In the event that internet or technology access is not available, alternative assignments will be available.
Learning activities and assignments will be developmentally appropriate. Younger students and students with accommodations may need some adult support. Activities and assignments will be similar in timeframe to daily classwork. Students working independently will likely take less time to complete the work than they do when working in a whole group setting, however, this may vary depending on the individual student and grade level. Teachers and staff will be available via email during the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on the Flexible Instructional Day to support students and answer questions about the assignments.
Flexible Instructional Day lessons will be designed for students with IEPs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction, and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans. Upon return to school, teachers of students with IEPs will meet with their students to review work submitted and to check for completion and understanding. Any related services (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech, etc.) scheduled during the FID will be rescheduled according to the frequency requirements of the students’ IEPs.
Work Completion and Attendance: Attendance will be reported via Google Classroom or, for those without internet access, by calling the office by 10:00 AM. Digital assignments must be submitted via Google Classroom by 2:00 PM on the Flexible Instructional Day. Alternative paper-based assignments must be submitted on the school day following the Flexible Instructional Day. Students that do not submit assignments by the designated deadlines will be marked as absent for the Flexible Instructional Day.