The academic mission of SCSC is to have all students leave performing at a proficient or higher level in all academic areas. The overall mission of the SCSC is to create an environment that will foster both learning and a commitment to life long learning, a learning center in which students, professional staff, parents, and community members are engaged in both their own learning and the learning of others. In this learning environment all children will be valued and each child's unique qualities will be appreciated and developed. As a concrete expression of this philosophy, home base for all children will be the general education classroom and everyone involved with the learning center, children and adults alike, will have an individualized education plan or individualized learning plan (IEP/ILP).
The Souderton Charter School Collaborative is a learning environment that values and nurtures every child as an individual. Together, parents and faculty are developing an individualized learning program to fully develop each child's potential. Parents, community members and professionals are encouraged to interact with and learn from one another.